Change my outbound Caller ID number?
To change the outbound caller ID number sent when you place calls outside your company:
If you wish to disable this feature and begin sending your direct dial number with outbound calls uncheck this checkbox.
Outbound caller ID override numbers are added by Velocity Telephone upon request. Any number added to the list must be a permanently available number that a person can be reached through at your company. If the number you want to apply is not in the dropdown list of available caller ID override numbers, please contact Velocity customer support to request the number be added, if it meets this criteria.
Virtual Office provides the ability to apply alternate, more general company numbers to the caller ID of your phone when placing calls outside of your company. This can be useful when you do not want to give out your direct dial number or when callers should return your calls through a standard company number, such as the main number, a general sales number, or a general support number.
Once the change is applied your outbound caller ID when calling outside of the company will be the phone number specified in the "Override Outbound Caller ID" field.
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