Safe Internet - There is no such thing! If you have a family, be responsible and use an an Internet screening tool! Thanks for using USFamily.Net. Email SPAM Filtering All USFamily.Net email accounts have automatic free SPAM filtering. SPAM is unsolicited junk email. Our SPAM filter catches over 90+% of the junk emails which are now doubling in volume every 4 months. Users may also turn this feature off at will or double check this junk for anything important in our SPAM viewer. For more info go to FREE INTERNET SCREENING!! A wonderful, simple, and free screening system with all the latest and greatest safety features and control options. The 7 Categoies of Protection. MAC SCREENING Screening is no longer available for the Apple/Mac platform. The Cyberpatrol product used to offer MAC screening but has discontinued the product. Proxy fiter systems work on any system including MAC. Go to If any new products emerge please let us know and we will post them. MAC SCREENING Screening is no longer available for the Apple/Mac platform. The Cyberpatrol product used to offer MAC screening but has discontinued the product. Proxy fiter systems work on any system including MAC. Go to If any new products emerge please let us know and we will post them.