Stay connected while you're online with In Touch Call Manager; convenient
and reliable Internet call waiting software from USFamily.Net including online voicemail,
caller ID and incoming call management for the Internet, on the Internet.
How Much Does it Cost?
For the first month - IT'S FREE! Try our In Touch Call Manager for
FREE for the first 30 day.s
After that, In Touch Call Manager is available for only $4.95 / mo. to
both USFamily.Net and non-USFamily.Net customers.
What Do I Get?
When someone calls while you are connected to the Internet, a call alert
window will appear on your computer screen. You can then handle the call how you see
You will be allowed up to 60 minutes of call-forward / call-answered
time per calendar month. After that, you will be charged $.10 per minute for all
call-forward / call-answered time.
Get Started!
Please choose which type of customer you are to sign-up for In Touch: